Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy of the Shop
Dear User!

We care about your privacy and want you to feel comfortable while using our services. Therefore, below we present you with the most important information about the principles of our processing of your personal data and cookies, which are used by our Store. This information has been prepared taking into account RODO, the General Data Protection Regulation.


Patryk Barski, entrepreneur conducting business activity under the name Rest Group, registered in the Central Register and Information on Business Activity conducted by the minister competent for economy and keeping the Central Register and Information on Business Activity, NIP 9452196532, REGON number 364954520, Osiedle Avia 6/107.

If you wish to contact us regarding our processing of your personal data, please email us at


You are entitled to demand:

  • access to your personal data, including obtaining a copy of your data (Article 15 RODO or, if applicable, Article 13(1)(f) RODO),
  • Their rectification (Article 16 of the RODO),
  • deletion (Article 17 RODO),
  • Restriction of processing (Article 18 RODO),
  • Transfer of data to another controller (Article 20 RODO).

And also the law:

  • object at any time to the processing of your data:
    • for reasons related to your particular situation – against the processing of personal data concerning you, based on Art. 6 para. 1(f) of the RODO (i.e., on legitimate interests pursued by us), including profiling (Article 21(1) of the RODO);
    • if personal data is processed for the purposes of direct marketing, including profiling, to the extent that the processing is related to such direct marketing (Article 21(2) RODO).

Contact us if you want to exercise your rights. You can object to our use of cookies (which you will read about below) in particular by using the appropriate browser settings.

If you believe that your data is being processed unlawfully, you can file a complaint with the President of the Personal Data Protection Authority.


Below you will find detailed information about the processing of your data depending on your activities.

1. placing an order in the Store – part 1.
For what purpose?
processing of your order
On what basis?
Sales contract (art. 6(1)(b) RODO)Legal obligation, related to accounting, obliging us to process your personal data (Article 6(1)(c) RODO)
How long?
for the duration of the aforementioned agreementUntil the expiration of our legal obligation related to accounting
in addition, your data will be processed until the expiration of the period in which it is possible to assert claims – by you or by us(see the last table of this section for more information)
What happens if you don’t provide the data?
you will not be able to place an order
2 Placing an order in the Store – part 2.
For what purpose?
Improving the quality of our services thanks to the feedback provided by users through the satisfaction survey service
On what basis?
Our legitimate interest in processing your data for the purpose of conducting surveys of your satisfaction with our services (Article 6(1)(f) RODO)
How long?
if you do not express your opinion – for a period of 2 years after you make a purchase or until we take into account your objection to processing; and if you express your opinion – until it is deleted or until we take into account your objection to processing*.
in addition, your data will be processed until the expiration of the period in which it is possible to assert claims – by you or by us(see the last table of this section for more information)
What happens if you don’t provide the data?
we will not take into account your opinion about our services in the work on their further development

* whichever is applicable in your case.

3. making contact with us (e.g., to ask a question)
For what purpose?
handling your inquiries or requests
On what basis?
contract or actions taken at your request, aimed at its conclusion (Article 6(1)(b) RODO) – in case your inquiry or application concerns a contract to which we are or may be a partyOur legitimate interest in processing your data for the purpose of communicating with you (Article 6(1)(f) RODO) – if your inquiry or request is not related to a contract
How long?
For the duration of the contract binding us or, if no contract is concluded, until the expiration of the claim period – see the last table of this section*.Until the expiration of the redress period – see the last table of this section – or until we honor your objection to the processing*.
in addition, your data will be processed until the expiration of the period in which it is possible to assert claims – by you or by us(see the last table of this section for more information)
What happens if you don’t provide the data?
we will not have the opportunity to respond to your inquiry or request

* whichever is applicable in your case.

4. browser settings or other similar action to permit marketing activities
For what purpose?
direct marketing by displaying personalized advertisements(you can read more about this in the “Profiling” and “Cookies” sections of the Privacy Policy)
On what basis?
Our legitimate interest in processing the data for the purpose stated above (Article 6(1)(f) RODO)
How long?
Until the expiration or deletion of cookies used for marketing purposes by you*
What happens if you don’t provide the data?
you will not receive suggestions for products or services in which you may be interested

* whichever is applicable in your case.

5. browser settings or other similar action to allow analytics activities
For what purpose?
analysis of the way you use and navigate the Store’s website in order to improve its functionality(you can read more about it in the “Analytical activities” and “Cookies” sections of the Privacy Policy)
On what basis?
Our legitimate interest in processing the data for the purpose stated above (Article 6(1)(f) RODO)
How long?
Until the expiration or deletion of cookies used for analytical purposes by you*
What happens if you don’t provide the data?
we will not take into account the way you use and navigate the Store’s website in the development of the website

* whichever is applicable in your case.

6. your consent to receive marketing content from us (e.g. information about special offers)
For what purpose?
sending marketing information, especially special offersanalyzing the effectiveness of the messages we send, in order to establish general principles for effective messaging in our business(you can read more about this in the “Analytics Activities” section of the Privacy Policy)
On what basis?
Your consent to our marketing activities (Article 6(1)(a) RODO)Our legitimate interest in processing the data for the purpose stated above (Article 6(1)(f) RODO)
How long?
until you withdraw your consent – remember, you can withdraw your consent at any time. Data processing until you withdraw your consent remains lawful. Until we take into account your objection to the processing
in addition, your data will be processed until the expiration of the period in which it is possible to assert claims – by you or by us(see the last table of this section for more information)
What happens if you don’t provide the data?
you will not receive our marketing materials, including information about our special offers
7. newsletter sign-up
For what purpose?
sending newsletteranalyzing the effectiveness of the content we send, in order to establish general principles for effective messaging in our business(you can read more about this in the “Analytics Activities” section of the Privacy Policy)
On what basis?
contract for the provision of newsletter mailing services (art. 6(1)(b) RODO)Our legitimate interest in processing the data for the purpose stated above (Article 6(1)(f) RODO)
How long?
Until you unsubscribe from our newsletterUntil we take into account your objection to the processing
in addition, your data will be processed until the expiration of the period in which it is possible to assert claims – by you or by us(see the last table of this section for more information)
What happens if you don’t provide the data?
you will not be able to receive information regarding the Store and our services
8. taking an action or omission that may give rise to a claim related to the Store or our services
For what purpose?
establishment, investigation or defense of possible claims, related to the concluded contract or provided services
On what basis?
Our legitimate interest in processing personal data for the purpose indicated above (Article 6(1)(f) RODO)
How long?
Until the expiration of the statute of limitations for claims or until we honor your objection to the processing*.
What happens if you don’t provide the data?
inability to establish, assert or defend claims

* whichever is applicable in your case.


If you choose to publish a comment, its content and your signature will be visible to other users of the Store.

We do not disclose your email address to other users – unless you do so yourself.


We perform profiling on the Store – with respect to you, this will be done if you allow such activities. This profiling involves automatically assessing what products or services you may be interested in, using information about the content you view. As a result, advertisements for products or services displayed on the online services you use will be more tailored to you and your needs.

The profiling we perform does not result in decisions that produce legal effects against you or affect you in a similarly significant manner.


As part of the Store’s website, we conduct analytics to make it more intuitive and accessible – with respect to you, this will be done if you allow us to do so. As part of the analytics, we will take into account how you navigate the Store – so, for example, how much time you spend on a particular subpage, or which places in the Store you click on. This will allow us to optimize the Store’s layout, appearance and content posted in order to improve its functionality while we are developing it.

In addition, if you opt-in to receive marketing messages or newsletters from us, we may analyze the effectiveness of the mailing we conducted. For example, we can check whether and how it affected activity in our Store. Such activities will help us establish general rules for sending such messages in our business – for example, in terms of optimal sending hours or how to formulate effective content.


When processing your personal data, we use organizational and technical measures in accordance with applicable laws, including the use of SSL/TLS certificate connection encryption.


Our Store, like most websites, uses so-called. cookies (cookie files). These files:

  • are stored in the memory of your device (computer, phone, etc.);
  • do not cause changes in the settings of your device.

In this Store, cookies are used for purposes:

  • statistical
  • marketing

To learn how to manage cookies, including how to disable them in your browser, you can refer to your browser’s help file. You can read about this information by pressing the F1 key on your browser. In addition, you will find relevant tips on the following subpages, depending on the browser you are using:

We will not process cookies for more than 2 years after your last visit to the Store.

Using the appropriate options of your browser, you can at any time:

  • remove cookies,
  • Block the use of cookies in the future.

In such cases, we will no longer process them.


We use third-party entities to support us in running our business. We entrust them to process your data – these entities process data only on our documented instructions.

Below you will find a list of recipients of your data:

any activity in connection with the Storeentity providing us with technical/IT supportthere is no room
persons cooperating with us on the basis of civil law contracts, supporting our current activitiesthere is no room
sales lead software providerthere is no room
being on the Store’s website with settings that allow for marketing activitiesmarketing service providerthere is no room
being on the Store’s website with settings that allow for analytics activitiesentity enabling analytical activities on the sitethere is no room
placing an order in the Storepayment providerYes – United States of America, China, Singapore, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Canada, Argentina, Israel, New Zealand **.
the entity delivering the product to you – unless you have chosen the option of personal collectionthere is no room
Provider of software to facilitate business operations (e.g. accounting software)there is no room
Provider of standard office software (including email boxes)Yes – United States of America, China, Singapore, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Canada, Argentina, Israel, New Zealand **.
wholesalethere is no room
accounting firmthere is no room
provider of the installment systemYes – United States of America, China, Singapore, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Canada, Argentina, Israel, New Zealand **.
subscribing to the newsletter or agreeing to receive marketing messagesentity providing newsletter or marketing emailsthere is no room
use of the online chat available in the Storeprovider of online chat available in the StoreYes – United States of America, China, Singapore, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Canada, Argentina, Israel, New Zealand **.
your use of services provided to us in connection with the Store through social networkssocial networksYes – United States of America, China, Singapore, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Canada, Argentina, Israel, New Zealand **.
taking part in a satisfaction survey with our services or productsentities that allow you to post opinions about the Store or products and compare themYes – United States of America, China, Singapore, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Canada, Argentina, Israel, New Zealand **.
making contact with us (e.g., asking a question)Provider of standard office software (including email boxes)Yes – United States of America, China, Singapore, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Canada, Argentina, Israel, New Zealand **.

And in addition:

relevant public authorities to the extent that we are required to share data with them.


** Accordingly, your personal data may also be processed by entities outside the European Union. An appropriate level of protection of your data, including through the use of appropriate safeguards, is provided:

  • The participation of these entities in the so-called Data Privacy Framework, a program established by an executive decision of the European Commission as a set of principles guaranteeing adequate protection of your privacy – in the case of entities from the United States of America
  • application of standard data protection clauses adopted by the European Commission referred to in Art. 46 para. 2(c) of the RODO – in the case of China and Singapore
  • Commission Implementing Decision of June 28, 2021, pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, on the adequate protection of personal data in the United Kingdom
  • European Commission Decision 2000/518/EC on the adequate protection of personal data in Switzerland
  • European Commission Decision 2002/2/EC on the adequate protection of personal data provided by the Canadian Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act
  • Commission Decision 2003/490/EC on the adequate protection of personal data in Argentina
  • Commission Decision 2011/61/EU on the adequate protection of personal data in the State of Israel with regard to automated processing of personal data
  • Commission Implementing Decision 2013/65/EU on the adequate protection of personal data in New Zealand
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