How to Buy.

Clearly and legibly describe on this page how shopping is done in the Patryk Barski Rest Group.

Shopping in a few steps
Prepare a short guide to shopping at Patryk Barski Rest Group: using a bulleted list, describe step-by-step how to find a product, how to select and order it. Make it a scenario that is useful for both parties – to the customer you will thus give a practical mini-guide, and yourself, by the way, you will once again check all the steps necessary to overcome when shopping in your store.

Availability states
Also explain here what the accessibility states are at Patryk Barski Rest Group. What does it mean, for example, that a product is “custom”? Or how long exactly does it take to process an order? It’s also worth describing whether there are any special conditions for ordering and returning a particular item.

Payment methods
You can also use this page to list the payment methods your store can use. Of course, you can devote an entirely separate page to payment issues, but posting basic information here (e.g., whether you support credit cards and whether this happens without surcharges, whether you sell on installments and whether you use PayPal payments) should suffice.

Discount codes, discounts and promotions
Do you use a discount coupon system or individual discounts? Be sure to write in a few words how Patryk Barski Rest Group use promo codes and how the discount system in the shopping cart for regular customers works.Your account – check order status
Inform the customer where he can check the status of his orders and how to change his data and recover his forgotten password. The best way to do this is to include a link to your customer account.

Shopping Cart